
Sculptra Aesthetic

To help her patients address nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth, Dr. Gordon can use a number of dermal fillers, including Sculptra Aesthetic.* This filler is designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles that are caused by the depletion of collagen structures with the skin.* By carefully injecting Sculptra into the treatment site, Dr. Gordon helps her patients build up the collagen network under the skin to reduce the appearance of the wrinkle.*

However, for this treatment to be effective, it must be injected with great care. For example, because Sculptra isn’t meant to provide immediate volume the way hyaluronic acid fillers do, inexperienced practitioner often inject too much of this filler, which can lead to issues with skin texture. To ensure the best results for her patients, Dr. Gordon has developed deep expertise with Sculptra Aesthetic treatments and has helped many patients achieve a more youthful appearance with this filler.*

Sculptra and Wrinkles

There are many reasons why wrinkles can form, but one of the biggest causes is the loss of collagen and elastin fibers within the skin. Collagen and elastin are of paramount importance because they pull the skin in place and keep it from sagging.

We tend to take these fibers for granted when we’re young, because as teens and young adults we have plenty of them in our skin. But as we age, our bodies produce less and less of these proteins. With a weaker support structure, wrinkles begin to form because the skin can no longer maintain its firmness.

Sculptra was developed specifically to address this problem in the area around the mouth, and it’s very different from most other dermal fillers. Many fillers, like Restylane, are based on hyaluronic acid; a chemical that draws moisture to the treatment site to increase volume. Further, the hyaluronic acid is formulated into a gel, which can provide immediate volume after the injection.*

Sculptra is different because it doesn’t use hyaluronic acid and doesn’t rely on drawing moisture to the treatment site. Instead, its main goal is to stimulate collagen production under the skin to re-build protein fiber support network.* With more collagen, the area has more support and the wrinkles become less apparent.*

Sculptra Ingredients

Unlike other fillers that use hyaluronic acid, the main ingredient in Sculptra Aesthetic is PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid). PLLA is what stimulates the collagen production under the skin over time, to build up the support network for skin that looks more youthful.*

Your Sculptra Treatment

During your Sculptra procedure, Dr. Gordon will first discuss your filler options with you and answer any questions. It’s an important step in the treatment, because our goal is to help you make an informed decision that considers how quickly results may appear and how long they will last.

For example, hyaluronic acid fillers usually last several months, because the body breaks down the molecule chains. Sculptra Aesthetic, on the other hand, won’t produce immediate results because it takes time for the collagen to grow, but can achieve results that last as much as couple of years.*

Once the Sculptra Aesthetic treatment starts, Dr. Godron will inject the filler into the treatment area according to a special methodology that ensures and even distribution of the filler. She will also gently massage the area to make sure the filler spreads evenly. This is a very important step, because the PLLA molecules should be spread out at the treatment site so that the collagen fibers are built in a more uniform manner.

After the Sculptra injection is complete, you will notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of the wrinkles and nasolabial folds.* However, this improvement is often caused by mild swelling at the treatment site.* The swelling will decrease over the coming days, and you will notice the wrinkles again – this is completely normal.* As the PLLA begins to work, you will notice a gradual improvement in nasolabial folds and other wrinkles, as the collagen fibers are built up in the treatment site.*

Side Effects from Sculptra

The occurrence of side effects from Sculptra injections is quite low.* Most patients experience mild redness and swelling after treatment, which are not easily noticeable.*

To schedule your consultation and see if Sculptra is the best option for you, please call our office at 650-938-6559 and set up an appointment!

*Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.

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Meet Jean Gordon MD, PhD

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Dr Jean Gordon

Dr. Jean Gordon is dedicated to providing the best possible skin care for her patients before, during and after all procedures she or her staff performs.

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